WinDEEP® | Wind Farm Analytics

WinDEEP® is a wind farm performance software that deeply analyzes stops and quantifies losses and availability.


Vestas, Enercon, Gamesa, ...


Origins of stops, frequency of log alarms by types and equipments, losses associated to stops, downtimes...


Multiple access, monthly and real time Report generation and sharing, ...

Wind Farm Performance & Availability Tools

The WinDEEP application includes the features of the WinDATA® software (Active alarm notifications, Technical indicators, Production monitoring...) to which powerful performance and availability analysis features are added:

Monitoring of theoretical production discrepancies

List and frequency of alarms by park and by turbine

Analysis of production losses by alarm code

Analysis of production losses by equipment and component (Pitch, Inverters, Yaw, Hub, Hydraulic State Oil,...)

Detail of equipment unavailabilities

Intuitive analysis and classification of unavailabilities (Grid, O&M, Bat systems, ...)

Historical analysis of performance and unavailability, month by month, year by year

Monthly performance reports

Wind Data Wind Farm Production Real Time Monitoring

An ultra-intuitive application

The data generated by your SCADA system are analyzed, reviewed and correlated with production data in a simple and comprehensible manner.

Why is your wind turbine not producing at its maximum guaranteed power? There may be several reasons that explain this: insufficient wind speed, maintenance operations, a log alarm stopping the turbine, a technical failure, etc.

Our WindDEEP®  solution allows you to determine the real reason and make the appropriate decision to increase the performance of the wind farm.


In-Depth Performance & Downtime Analytics

Instant equipment configuration by alarm code

Interactive graphs, Intuitive analysis of availability rates

Weekly reports of stops and incidents

Monthly summary reports

One-click export and share (csv, jpg, pdf...)


How does WinDEEP® work?

WinDEEP® works with wind turbine data and log alarms, searching for statistical correlations between them. It identifies the difference between actual power and predicted or theoretical (and guaranteed) power for any wind turbine technology. Subsequently, you will benefit from a set of indicators describing the actual operation of your wind turbine. WinDEEP® allows you to rely on, and share, detailed real-time performance indicators for your meetings or decisions.

For advanced users, WinDEEP® can be enhanced at any time to integrate a wide range of sophisticated tools based on the latest innovations, including the use and training of neural networks to improve analysis and forecasting of each turbine's performance.